Garden Fresh Frittata
I've got a delicious, easy, recipe for you guys to try! Matt and I have a small garden in our yard and it is that time of year when everything is coming in. Right now we have squash, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, and we have to have tons of tomatoes and jalapeños for our menu!
We had quiet a few things that we needed to use and Matt decided on this yummy frittata creation. Sidenote: Matt is definitely the cook in our family. I don't have the patience for it. He loves to try new things and has a passion for it. I love to eat, so we're a perfect match lol. I'll give you Matt's recipe/directions with a few things thrown in from me. We also used fresh eggs from our chickens. If you don't have your own fresh veggies or eggs, you can always pick some up at a local farmers market. The Salt Air Farmer's Market in Gulf County is the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month in Port St. Joe for those in my area.
Zucchini (1 medium sliced)
Squash (1 medium sliced)
Cherry Tomatoes (2 cups halved)
Eggs (8)
Bacon (12 oz cooked & crumbled)
Chanterell Mushrooms (2 cups uncooked)
Heavy Cream (1 cup)
3 Cheddar Cheese blend (2 cups)
Olive Oil (2 tbsp)
1. Fry out bacon, set aside.
2. Use bacon fat to fry/sauté chanterelles.
Matt gathered these in a friend's yard. I have to give a bit of backstory here. Matt started really getting into wild edibles about a year ago. I remember when we tried our first dish with the mushrooms he gathered. I was super nervous, but he's very thorough and even checked with some local certified experts on identification. We've had many wild mushroom dishes since then and I haven't gotten sick or hallucinated yet (knock on wood lol). However, I have to say that you should ALWAYS use an expert if consuming any wild edibles!! Matt does not claim to be an expert, but will gladly talk to you at length about wild edibles as a hobby if you're interested in learning. Just leave us a comment.
3. Put mushrooms to the side and discard bacon fat. Clean skillet
4. Sear squash and zucchini in olive oil over medium heat till done, but not stewed. Set aside to cool. Clean skillet.
5. Oil skillet with olive oil. Line skillet with zucchini and squash, add mushrooms, bacon and sliced raw tomatoes.
6. In a bowl, whip yard eggs with heavy cream, and pour mixture in pan.
7. Cover with a blend of three cheddar cheeses.
8. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes. Sidenote: Our oven has been out for a bit, so we used a wood oven at 300-400 degrees until egg mixture was cooked and cheese started to broil. We actually used the Kettle Pizza adapter for our Weber grill. It was a birthday present for Matt a few years ago and it is really cool. We'll show you how we make some of our pizzas in it sometime too! And don't worry, our new range got delivered today! Here's a video of the Kettle Pizza in action too and the finish product.
This meal was a delicious experiment and highly recommended. There were plenty of leftovers to have for the next day too!

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